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Posted on December 30 2014 by Julien Romanetto


Un petit vin qui a mon âge j espère qu il a...

Posted on December 24 2014 by Julien Romanetto

Un petit vin qui a mon âge j espère qu il a...

Un petit vin qui a mon âge j espère qu il a été mieux conservé


Fred talking about adbloking att je Cristal...

Posted on December 19 2014 by Julien Romanetto

Fred talking about adbloking att je Cristal...

Fred talking about adbloking att je Cristal festival


En route pour Courchevel pour le Crystal festival

Posted on December 17 2014 by Julien Romanetto

En route pour Courchevel pour le Crystal festival

A new terminator is coming !

Posted on December 15 2014 by Julien Romanetto

http://www.subtitledtrailers.com Here is "Terminator Genisys" trailer with English and French subtitles. All right reserved. I look at each of you and I see the marks of this long and terrible war. If we die tonight... mankind dies with us. The machines sent a Terminator back into the time before the war.


Full moon tonight @saint Martin

Posted on December 7 2014 by Julien Romanetto

Full moon tonight @saint Martin